Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Because sometimes no matter how hard I try, the inky blackness the lurks in the shadows of my mind seeps in.

In the darkness I awake
In the dreams that I can not shake
Panic strong and strangling me
In its grip I can not break free
Feeling the weight pulling me down
Engulfed I am till I am feeling drowned
Screaming, clawing, and fighting to open my eyes

My thoughts racing to seek out the site of my mind’s eye
Your face…
Your love…
My life….
One last time…

With no air left in my lungs I surge forward yet again
Screaming, clawing, fighting,  breaking through the darkness
My eyes open wide now staring at the light
Knowing I received One More Day to see..
Your face…
Your love…
My life…

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